


School of Engineering

Cochin University of Science and Technology
Kochi - 682022, Kerala, India


Prof.(Dr.) Binsu C. Kovoor is a Professor in the Department of Information Technology, CUSAT with more than 25 years of experience. Her research interests include pattern recognition, computer vision, Data Security, and Big Data. She has over 40 research publications to her credit, and to date, four candidates have obtained Ph.D. degrees under her supervision. She has presented papers at several international conferences and serves as a reviewer for many national and international peer-reviewed journals. She is also a member of the technical program committee for many national and international conferences. She is the Chairperson of the Board of Studies for Information Technology at CUSAT and also serves as a Board of Studies member for various autonomous colleges. She is the former Head of the Department of Information Technology at CUSAT. She is a member of professional societies such as the Institution of Engineers, CSI, ISTE and ACM.

Affective Computing, Approximate Computing, Biometric Security, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, pattern recognition

Scopus :
Google Scholar :

  • Unifying convolution and transformer: a dual stage network equipped with cross-interactive multi-modal feature fusion and edge guidance for RGB-D salient object detection , Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer 2024

  • Balancing Simplification and Detail Preservation in Low Poly Image Abstraction through Edge-Preserved Seed Point Generation, International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing., Vol. 16, 2024

  • Modelling and Stability Analysis of a Rumour Propagation Model with Sentiments as Microscopic Observation, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, , Vol. 22, 2023

  • Visual Saliency Modeling with Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Review, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, , Vol. 22, 2023

  • Object-Assisted Question Featurization and Multi-CNN Image Feature Fusion for Visual Question Answering, International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies , IGI Global Vol. 19, 2023

  • GenSpecVidOnt: a reference ontology for knowledge based video analytics with multimodal genre detection, Multimedia Tools and Applications ,, Springer 2023

  • Parallel multi-head attention and term-weighted question embedding for medical visual question answering, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer 2023

  • Generative Inpainting of High-resolution Images: Redefined with Real-ESRGAN, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 31, 2022

  • An Enhanced Term Weighted Question Embedding for Visual Question Answering, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, , Vol. 21, 2022

  • A multi-stage deep adversarial network for video summarization with knowledge distillation, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer 2022

  • A Video Question Answering framework for women’s safety in Metro Surveillance, IEEE 5th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology (ICITIIT), 2024

  • DenseASPP Enriched Residual Network Towards Visual Saliency Prediction, International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing,, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2022

  • The SEPNS Model of Rumor Propagation in Social Networks, Pervasive Computing and Social Networking and Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Vol. 317 , 0, 2022

  • Residual Decoder based U-Net for Semantic Segmentation, International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications. and Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,, Springer, Vol. 1388 , 0, 2021

  • EEMD-Based Wind Speed Forecasting System Using Bidirctional LSTM Networks, IEEE 11th international Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics 2021, 2021

  • Convolutional Neural Network Based Malaria Parasite Infection Detection using Thin Microscopic Blood Smear Samples, , IEEE 2nd International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications(ICIRCA 2020), 2020

  • Keyword Template based Semi- Supervised Topic Modelling in Tweets, International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020

  • Deep Learning based multi-step Short Term Wind Speed Forecasts with LSTM, International Conference on Data Science, E-learning and Information Systems 2019 (Data’19) , ACM, Dubai, Arab Emirates, 2019

  • Object driven Semantic Multi-Video Summarisation based on ontology, International Conference on Data Science, E-learning and Information Systems 2019 (Data’19) , ACM, Dubai, Arab Emirates, 2019

  • Enhanced adaptive patch based exemplar image inpainting, International Conference on Data Science, E-learning and Information Systems 2019 (Data’19) , ACM, Dubai, Arab Emirates, 2019

  • "Enhanced Multimodal Biometric Security System" (TEQIP- 2013 -2014 , Total outlay Rs.50000)

  • "Bigdata Weather Forecasting Systems Using Deep Learning" (RUSA- 2023 -2025 , Total outlay Rs.4750254)